Abs Workout Routines for Women - Do's and Don't

Even though the vast majority of women may not think so, most women already have great abs, but in many cases, those well formed abs are simply hidden from view. I've often heard women say they'll never be able to have great looking abs because they've given birth to a few kids, but in actual fact, the exact opposite is true. Most women who have kids also have well developed abs. The problem isn't that they don't have abs, it's that their abs are concealed by excess body fat. Burn the fat away, and you'll almost certainly see great looking abs starting to appear. So, if you're long to have a sexy looking stomach, here are a few things you need to do, and also a few things you should avoid doing.

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1. Prime Yourself with Some Cardio

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Cardio exercises or aerobics cause your body to burn fat, and while aerobics may not be the most efficient fat burning strategy, it can certainly help if you do some cardio exercises for about five minutes or so before you get started with your actual exercise program. The reason for doing this is simply to get your body's fat burning mechanism activated. So, from now on, start each training session with a short five to ten minute brisk walk, of if you prefer, you can jog or cycle instead.

2. Interval Training

Interval training is considered by many to be one of the most effective approaches for developing abs, irrespective of whether or not you're women. Basically, interval training is when you go flat out for about 15 seconds, and then slow down to a comfortable pace for about one minute, or perhaps a little less depending on your level of fitness. For example, if you were out running, you would run as fast as you can for about fifteen seconds, then you spend the next fifty seconds jogging, and of course, you would keep repeating this routine. This principle can be applied to any form of exercise, and no matter what others may tell you, short bursts of high intensity training burns more fat than long sessions of low intensity training.

3. Resistance Training

Resistance training is a crucial aspect of abs workouts for women and men alike. The interesting thing here is that you need to do this type of training with your entire body in mind, and not only for your abs. What many popular programs don't tell you is the fact that you need to exercise all the muscles in your body in order for it to burn off excess fat. Just think about it for a minute - you have never seen anyone whose entire body is fat apart from their stomach. Before you can begin chiseling out your abs, you first need to get rid of all your excess fat, and to do that, you need to exercise your whole body. Weights are a great form of resistance training, but they're not always easy to master, and you may not have space for such things in your home. While you certainly don't have to join a gym, it would certainly help because you'll have unlimited access to all the equipment, including those machines that have been designed specifically for resistance training.

What Not To Do

Don't rush out and spend a fortune on gym equipment, particularly if you have a gym in your area. Also don't jump the gun as far as diets are concerned. Fad diets come out almost daily, and you can be rest assured, most of them are utter nonsense. Lastly, trust all diet pills with a huge amount of suspicion. While the vast majority simply don't work, others can be downright dangerous to your health.

Abs exercises for women are no different than they are for men. Sure women will use lighter weights than men, but that's about it. If you want a flat stomach, you need to know the truth about abs, and the truth is it takes some work on your part in order for you to have a six-pack.

Abs Workout Routines for Women - Do's and Don't
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